June 2021

  • 10 Creative Post Ideas for Social Media

    10 Creative Post Ideas for Social Media

    You’ve started a business, you’ve created a brand. You’re ready to start marketing your business/brand on social media, but there’s so much overwhelming information out there. Everyone is telling you that you should post at least 3 pieces of social media content per week, post to your social channels every day, and create high-quality content, but where are you going to find inspiration to post interesting, engaging and relevant things to share with your audience? Here are 10 creative post ideas for social media that can work for you!

    Thank you Tracey Jones for contributing this post to lifestylewithkris.com


  • Powerful Words of Affirmation For Success

    Powerful Words of Affirmation For Success
    positive words of affirmation

    Words of affirmation are short and powerful statements that people can use to promote positive thinking. They allow us to be in control of our thoughts and shape our realities. Individuals can repeat affirmation statements until they become new beliefs. I use affirmations to eliminate negative thinking and to help me navigate challenges that will make achieving goals easier, through the law of attraction. This blog post will provide insight into what affirmations are, what the laws of attraction mean, and how to incorporate these things together when motivating ourselves through self-care practices. 

    Every day, people are using affirmations to attract confidence, abundance, love, success, and happiness. Studies have shown that it is not uncommon for people to increase their happiness through a positive mindset. Plenty of people desire to be more successful in life and have found affirmations help combat negative self-talk and negative mindsets. After I started using affirmations, I found that I have a better outlook on what my purpose is and that I am worthy of attaining success. I’ve learned how to be gentle with myself by becoming more trusting and confident in my abilities to make decisions. Positive affirmations require regular practice to achieve long-term changes in your life.

    Related: How Letting Go of Negative Thoughts Changed My Life

    Words of Affirmation: The Laws of Attraction

    The Law of Attraction is the belief that positive thoughts will yield positive results in your life, career, health, or relationships. There are 3 Laws of Attraction that detail this concept: 

    1. Like Attracts Like
    2. Removal of Negative Energy
    3. The Present is Always Perfect

    Like Attracts Like is the law that similar things are attracted to one another. Although opposites can often attract, it is the belief that it is more often that like attracts like. What we think about and choose to believe is what we tend to do. People will use affirmations to think and believe positive thoughts to do the work needed to attract positive results. 

    Removing negative thoughts makes space for positive thoughts! This law of attraction is identified as “nature abhors a vacuum” and is the belief that if we remove negative energy and replace it with positive, we will create a space to attract new things. Ex: Decluttering your closet will allow you to make room for the new clothes that you just purchased

    The Present is Always Perfect if you’re looking to use this law to attract the things you want. Amid a challenge, it can be hard to see the good in bad things. It is never too late to change how you choose to respond to negative situations. Implement the use of affirmations whenever there is a desire to complain about something that isn’t going right for you. Look for ways to improve the present moment.

    20 Powerful Words of Affirmation to Attract Abundance & Success

    Related: Who Else Wants a Free 7-Day Gratitude Journal

    Now that you know about affirmations and the 3 laws of attraction, here are 20 affirmation statements that you can use to help you attract abundance, confidence, and success into your life. This list of affirmations that I’ve compiled consists of action statements that I’ve repeated throughout the year. Try saying them in the morning, to start the day or at night, before going to bed. Repeat affirmations daily and regularly (at least 10 times a day). Listen to yourself say each word, focus on them as they are leaving your mouth, and believe them to be true. 

    I hope that this post helps anyone interested in learning how affirmations work, and how to use them to attract success and happiness in their life. I have always encouraged positive thinking as a form of self-care and I believe it motivates people to meet their goals. What are some positive affirmations that you may say to attract what you want? 

    Let me know in a comment!

  • 5 Proven Tips For Starting Your Online Store

    5 Proven Tips For Starting Your Online Store
    Photo by Ann Nekr on Pexels.com

    You have been crafting for some time and now feel it is time to start selling your masterpieces, but you have no experience running a business. You aren’t sure where to start and the whole thing feels a bit overwhelming at the moment. You’re interested in starting an online store but not sure where to begin.
