
  • How To Create a Beautiful Image Backdrop

    How To Create a Beautiful Image Backdrop

    Do you love to take quality pictures and video content? Have you ever found yourself trying to take the perfect photograph for your Instagram feed, but your background looks a mess? Maybe you’re a blogger/ vlogger trying to record a video but your shower curtain is photobombing you because that’s the only space where you can create. You could be trying to take the cutest photo of your kid for a special occasion without wanting to pay a photographer for backdrop services. Photography services can be expensive!

    simple backdrop ideas

    Having backdrops can really enhance your photo and video aesthetic value to your digital content. That’s why professionals like photographers and videographers rely on them so heavily! You, too, can have your very own backdrop sis! What’s even better is that you can make a backdrop yourself, saving money on future professional photography services forever. Woohoo!

    Materials Needed for Backdrop

    Disclaimer: LIFE + STYLE with Kris receives a commission for using Amazon products for the projects that I share in posts.  Although I receive a commission for using and linking their products, they are extremely good for my projects. All opinions and suggestions are unbiased.

    The steps that I took to building my Sunflower wall actually were as simplistic as Pinterest made it seem to be. There really aren’t many steps involved in building a backdrop BUT it is time-consuming. I could have completed this in less than six days and you may be able to finish it in a shorter timeframe. However, I was not in a hurry to complete this project. I wanted it to turn out beautiful and honestly, I had so much fun making it!

    flower wall backdrop

    Build Your Panel Frames

    I used the beautiful chocolate carnation flowers as what I call my “base” color. The panel size dimensions are 19 x 14in. and require a lot of artificial flowers. There are over 100 pegs to fill! To fill them, simply attach the stem of your artificial flower to the peg on each panel frame. I used nine-panel frames for my backdrop. I originally wanted a combination of different carnations (chocolate and cream) but made a choice to forego it. Buying flowers in bulk can be expensive!

    TIP: Think about what color(s) you will use in great detail. The more color you want, the more money you will spend.

    backdrop panels

    Gluing Paper Flowers

    If you choose the perfect flower, you may not want to add additional details. I added white paper roses to the center of my carnations for a 3D look. Using a hot glue gun, I glued the roses to every other carnation for each panel frame.

    TIP: If you are fine with the flower you’ve already used, then you can easily move on to attaching your panel frames to your wall.

    putting together a backdrop

    Place Frames on the Wall

    Designate your space/area where you will build your frames. I used a wall in our home office because that’s where I go to create most of my digital content. I used thumb tacks to pine each panel closely together evenly.

    TIP: Building a full wall is great for full body images. If you are going to use your backdrop for mainly selfies/headshots, you should use fewer (roughly six) panels.

    Continue Adding Embellishments: Peony Flowers

    The last task for me to execute is adding peony flowers. They arrive flat after ordering, so I had to fluff out 12 paper peony flowers before attaching them to the frames. Each peony has a clear string hook that makes for easy attachment. I love that they also came with peel-off adhesives! I should have ordered more of these (probably will go back and buy more).

    Backdrops are easy to do!