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Countdown to Cuteness: Getting Ready for Baby #2 (Insider)
Hey there! This second pregnancy has been a bit of a rollercoaster, but I’m grateful to be past a tough first trimester. I’m now in my sixth month and super excited about our new addition to the family. I’ll be sharing quite a bit of baby and pregnancy updates, including a special gender reveal. If you’re as eager as I am to find out who will be joining the Buchanan family and how prep is going for their arrival, keep scrolling for more baby cuteness and beautiful surprises!
The countdown to cuteness continues below.
DISCLAIMER: Just a heads up! Some of my posts contain affiliate links. If you purchase through one of those links, you won’t have to pay extra, but I’ll receive a small commission. Your purchase helps to support the work I do. Thank you!
Getting Ready for Baby Cuteness During the Second Trimester
Similar to my first pregnancy, I’ve been feeling a sudden surge of energy and productivity during this second trimester. It’s been easier to stay healthy and active in the fourth and fifth months by sticking to a balanced diet, getting some exercise, and staying hydrated. Doing this has allowed me to focus on getting ready for the baby in other ways. Some things, like finalizing my birthing plans, arranging maternity leave, and preparing the baby’s older sibling for the new addition require a lot of planning and organization. And setting up the baby’s nursery has been a bit overwhelming, however, it’s an essential part of getting ready for baby #2. Converting my office into a nursery and decluttering the space has been an intense project!
See Related: My Life Lately: The Sequel
Getting the Nursery Ready: Painting Baby’s Room
I’m super excited to share that the nursery is almost 90% decluttered! When I learned I was pregnant, I couldn’t wait to start working on the nursery. After discovering I was having a girl, I picked four adorable paint colors and let my family vote. We all agreed on the color “Lotus Flower” for my little girl’s room. This color was cuteness overload! The only thing I needed to do next was grab the paint and accessories and start painting!
Products Used to Achieve Baby Room Cuteness:
Baby Girl’s Room is Cute and Almost Ready!
Painting the nursery was a super fun family project. It was a wonderful bonding experience and a great way to share our growing excitement about welcoming our baby girl into the family and her new room. It took an entire weekend to paint the nursery. You can watch us paint her room and get everything ready for our baby girl in this cute little video I shared on Instagram to announce her gender. Now that the nursery’s painted, I can focus on decorating her room with furniture, bedding, decor, etc.
Cute Painting Gender Reveal Ideas
If you enjoyed reading this post and learning about how my family and I decided to reveal the gender of our baby, you may also find it helpful to explore other paint gender-reveal ideas. Most gender reveals can be grandiose, awe-inspiring, and elaborate. But if you are looking for something simple and cost-effective, below are a few ideas that make even the smallest gender reveal just as magnificent as those over-the-top special occasions. This compiled list of Gender Reveal Ideas (for painting) is creative, unique, and super cute for anyone preparing for their newborn.
- Paint Photoshoot – Keep it classic and simple with pink or blue handprints on a white shirt during the family photoshoot
- Paint Toss on Canvas – Reveal the gender in a one-of-a-kind way and create a keepsake that can displayed as art in the baby’s nursery
- Umbrella Paint Pour – Grab an unmarked paint can and a see-through umbrella for an epic reveal (super fun activity to do with the baby’s siblings)
- Super Soakers Filled w/ Paint – Fun for clothes or canvases; fill the Soakers up with pink or blue paint and make a splash
- Paint the Nursery – Pick a color of your choice to announce the gender
The Countdown Continues: Preparing for Childbirth
As of this latest life and baby update, things continue to be underway in preparation for my sweet little girl. My focus remains on staying calm, relaxed, and enjoying my pregnancy. I am so grateful to be surrounded by a supportive family. The next update will be what life has been like in the third and final trimester as I inch closer to my due date. Make sure you’re following me on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter for more pregnancy annoucements and updates!
This Is What My Stay-At-Home Mom Schedule Looks Like
I never believed that this would be the life for me. The life of a stay-at-home mom. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that the stay-at-home life would be something that I could afford to do or that it would be something that I could get comfortable doing. The pandemic forced me to see that I could create a stay-at-home mom schedule. I literally lost my job and became a stay-at-home mother overnight! Before this, I used to spend most of my time at work. Away from my family. Since 16, I have worked countless jobs for financial stability and security. While all the while, I was missing out on quality bonding time and precious milestones. Then four years into my son’s life, I suddenly became more accessible and available.
So I was at home, all of the time, 24/7.
Related: Social Distancing: Choosing to Self-Care & Keep the Faith
Subsequently, I have been dedicated to a stay-at-home mom schedule that allows me to work from home, start and build my business, complete household chores, and devote time to my husband and son.
The ultimate goal for my stay-at-home mom schedule was to have time to do it all.
Having no extra help made me realize that I needed to follow a schedule that could keep me organized and focused on my priorities: starting a business and being there when my family needed me the most. A flexible stay-at-home mom schedule would become my secret weapon, and it continues to be a routine that brings contentedness and peace. My daily stay-at-home mom schedule works well for me, and I want to share it to help other stay-at-home moms figure out a rhythm to juggling everything at home.
5:15 am
I set my alarm to wake up 45 minutes before Landon gets up. Starting my day earlier allows me to get mentally and physically prepared for my day. I like to use this time for prayer and quick stretching exercises. Then, I will start ironing school uniforms and making Landon’s lunch to take to school. I will use any remaining time to let our family pet, Pablo, outside to use the potty and put food in his bowl.
Early mornings set the tone that I am ready to tackle anything. It also allows me to finish all my tasks at a reasonable ending time. I don’t even sleep in late! To be honest, I can’t sleep past 7 am without feeling unproductive. I like to maximize my time in the mornings by choosing not to waste a single minute.
6:00 am
I wake Landon up and make him breakfast. I’ve got to brag that I do my best gentle parenting in this hour. I want to make sure I am helping my son start his day with some positivity. There’s lots of hugging, smiles, and I love you‘s exchanged during this time. In conclusion, 6 am is one of my proudest hours of the day.
Related: 20 Affirmations for Abundance & Success
6:50 am
It’s time to drop Landon off at school for the day. Morning drop-offs are usually 10-15 minutes long. While we are in line, waiting to make our way to the front, Landon and I will practice repeating daily affirmations. I like to encourage Landon to have a great day, believe in himself, give his best effort, and commit to learning new skills. This type of encouragement is the final preparation before he walks through those school doors to begin his day as a Kindergarten student.
7:15 am
After drop-off, it’s time to get started with work. Before I shift into work mode, I take 20 minutes to eat a light breakfast, let Pablo outside again, and do those things that I might have skipped earlier (prayer, stretching, meditation).
8:00 am
After that, it’s time to dedicate myself to my brand, my business, and evolving as an entrepreneur. From 8 am to 1 pm., I give my all to writing new blog posts, creating YouTube videos, Reels, or TikToks that could help increase awareness about my business, scheduling or creating content, reviewing products, editing, etc.
I maximize my time during these hours because I can complete the bulk of my tasks without any distractions. No one is here to disrupt me or feel like I am not giving them any attention. I am prioritizing my business and my clients. I will schedule all of my consultations, client calls for social media management, and brand strategy between these hours.
1:00 pm
At this point in my day, I realize that I’m either hungry (if I’ve skipped breakfast) or feeling like I need to take a break. I usually make myself some lunch and watch something on tv, catch up on social media, or take a nap. Just because I can’t sleep in late doesn’t mean that I don’t know how to go lay down somewhere in the middle of the day.
1:55 pm
After a much-needed recharge, it’s now time to get Landon from school. School dismisses for each day at 2:55. However, parents of car riders line up an hour early to prepare for dismissal.
In conclusion, sometimes your schedule will have events that throw curveballs in your plans.
Expect this. It’s okay.
For example, waiting to get my child home from school takes an hour out of my day, but I choose to look at this differently. Instead of viewing this as me losing out on time, I will use this time to finish up something that I was working on or do something that I haven’t had the chance to do yet.
Examples of Time Fillers for “Lost Hours”
- creating captions for Instagram posts/ reels
- researching blog topics and ideas
- researching youtube video topics and ideas
- pay a bill online
- watch an episode of a tv series
- digital planning
3:00 pm
I’m back at home and back to full-time mama status. This hour belongs to Landon. He usually has so much to tell me about what happened at school! We also have snacks, do homework, and go outside to play before it gets too late.
4:00 pm
It’s almost time to end my work for the day. I wrap up anything that I didn’t finish that morning. Every day is different. On some days, I can say that I finished my workload by 5 pm, and on other days I can’t. Wrapping up the day helps me understand what I’ve already accomplished for the day, what’s left to do, and where to pick up the next day.
4:30 pm- 5:00 pm
It’s time to start making (or buying) dinner. I’ve never been into meal prep, but perhaps it’s time that I start; because I never know what’s for dinner! Most of my dinner ideas come to me throughout the day. At 5 pm, I am cooking dinner or asking my husband to grab something on his way home.
7:00 pm After everyone has made it home and had dinner, I get a little bit of free time. It is the ultimate hour for relaxation and chill time. I dedicate this hour to doing whatever I want to do.
- conversations with my husband about his day
- bonding time with my husband, Landon, and Pablo
- taking a nice hot shower
- browsing social media
- listening to music
- preparing for the next day (pulling out school uniforms, making lunches, cleaning up)
8:00 pm This is Landon’s wind-down hour. His dad bathes him, and after bath time, we read a 15- minute bedtime story. I appreciate this time to be able to take a break and regroup.
9:00 pm It’s Landon’s bedtime and his parents’ bonding time. Both mom and dad are exhausted by now, but we still make time for each other. We have to because we hardly have any time earlier in the day to make it work.
10:00 pm If I want to get up for my 5:15 am alarm, I need to be in bed no later than 10 pm.
More Tips for Success
- Don’t get wrapped up in exact times! These are the hours that work best for my life at home, and I provided them for structure.
- Find your rhythm and rhyme for your reason. You’re crafting the ideal schedule for your life and goals.
- You can still be productive throughout the day even if you don’t stick to a strict routine.
- Plan around family bonding time. Choose the repeat times throughout the day for consistent, fun times with your loved ones.
- Most importantly, don’t stress on days where following your schedule does not work out.
6 Wishes For Kids From Parents
Typically I try to steer clear of giving out unsolicited parenting advice. I rarely share my parenting experience or detail what my parenting journey has been like for me. When my son was born, I made a promise that I would not be one of these moms out here who shares everything. I am someone who enjoys privacy and likes to protect the people that mean the most to me. I believe in keeping some memories sacred and only allowing the people who experienced them to know what those memories are. Moreover, one thing that I believe in when it pertains to parenting is creating special bonds with your children. As I watch him grow, I wish and hope for him to have the world. What other wishes for kids do parents want?
Wishes for kids are plentiful. However, the parent’s job is to love, provide, protect, listen, understand, and teach their kids. There’s no official parenting handbook that teaches or prepares you for the “perfect” way to do any of these things. Parents will always wish the best for their kids. When I found out I was going to be a mother, I vowed that I would do everything to help my son grow, develop, and reach every milestone. I couldn’t be more proud of the little person he has become! As his sixth birthday approaches, I am hopeful that he will continue growing and owning his individuality.
The following wishes for kids are from parents like me. We are the parents that will be there to help our kids navigate in this world.
My six-year old son Landon Wishes For Kids From Parents
Always Count On Me, Don’t Ever Count Me Out
I wish that my son always reaches out to me. I want him to know that I am forever accessible and only one call away. There isn’t a distance that I wouldn’t travel to get to him. One thing about it is mamas make great friends and confidants. I want my son to never feel like he can’t talk to me about something (good or bad). I don’t want him to rule out using the “mama lifeline” in a time of need.
The Gratitude Attitude
Sometimes people take their blessings for granted. I never want my child to miss out on his blessing for not possessing a spirit of gratitude. Gratitude is a catalyst for change in life. My wish is that he thanks God every day for his life and his blessings. I hope that he appreciates and cherishes everything in his life and that he has no room to complain about anything. I want him to practice understanding what it means to be selfless versus selfish.
Be Proud Of You Who Are
I want my child to know that it’s okay to be inspired by others and still be himself. Embracing individuality will help him understand that no one is the same, and everyone is unique. I encourage self-love and self-care. He needs to know I am proud of who he is. Additionally, I would like for him to affirm the type of person he wants to become. Be bold and unapologetic at all times!
Chase Dreams & Passions
As a person who is in the pursuit of making their dreams come true, I can only hope that my son becomes inspired to do the same. No, I do not wish for him to have my dream. My wish is that he finds the courage to pursue his own dreams. I ask that he discovers his passion for something and choose to go after it. Please never allow anyone to convince him that his vision isn’t capable of fulfillment; or that he isn’t deserving of success and happiness. Fairytales can come true, and children should believe in happily ever after. They should always follow their hearts and do what makes them happy.
Moms are not perfect. Sometimes we make mistakes. I know that whenever I make a mistake, I hope for understanding and a chance to correct my wrongdoing. I never want my child to make a mistake and feel they aren’t allowed to make them. Mistakes happen; it’ll be okay. Disappointment in mistakes made should never lead to grudges. I want my son to learn how to let things/emotions go and accept them. I want him never to fear the words I’m sorry.
We’re all trying!
We are all doing the best that we can.
We are humans who deserve compassion.
Be a Good Person
Kids are naturally kind and sweet. They have to learn how to share, be polite, and engage socially. My son started Kindergarten this year; and has had to adjust how to learn and play in a classroom setting. This type of school environment is key because he needs to experience what it’s like to learn and play with other kids at school, listen to teachers and follow the rules. My wish is that he continues to challenge himself to be patient and kind to others. I want him to learn good versus bad behavior and the consequences for each of them. I want him to never be timid in meeting new friends and expressing his feelings. May he never be a bully, may he never be bullied by someone! Allow people to see the goodness of his nature.
If you are a parent or soon-to-be parent, what wishes would you have for your children?
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Everyone is looking for safe ways to spend quality time with loved ones during this holiday season. One way that I found a way to bond with my son, Landon, was to make craft turkeys! Who remembers making little projects like this when you were younger? This was simple to do and fun to make.
Making ‘Craft Turkeys’ Tutorial
What you will need:
- Brown Cardstock
- Construction Paper
- Scissors
- Glue
- Sticky Tape
- Stapler/Staples
- Popsicle Sticks
- Pencil
- Googly Eyes
Using a pencil, outline your hand on a piece of construction paper. Cut the outline of your hand with scissors. Save yourself some time by cutting multiple sheets of construction paper at once. I used six different pieces of construction paper for the feathers of my turkey.
After you’ve cut all of your feather hands, you will want to spread them out in a fan-like shape. Fold back the bottom pieces of the hands and staple them together. Next, cut two circles (one small, one large) out of the brown cardstock that you will need. These circles will represent the body of your turkey. Glue them in the middle of your stapled feather hands.
Reuse a piece of construction paper to cut the two strips that you’ll need to make the turkey’s legs. Once you have your strips, fold them back and forth (accordion style). You’ll also want to reuse other pieces to cut out a beak, feet, and snood. Then, glue the pieces to the body, and glue the eyes as the final feature of your turkey.
Use some sticky tape to hold your popsicle stick to the turkey.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Making these paper turkeys brought back wonderful memories. I was happy to know that Landon enjoys simple crafts like these. How did we do? Let me know if you decide to make your own turkey project! Tag me in your holiday craft posts on social media. Follow me on YouTube for more reviews and tutorials!
Check out more Arts and Crafts posts:
ALERT! NEW PLANET DISCOVERED. I enjoy entering new stages and seasons with Landon. You just never know what you’re going to get with the imaginative minds that kids have. One thing that I can say about myself as a parent is that I always encourage Landon to pursue whatever it is that he wants to do. I encourage him to find his passion and practice it. Mom knows he will always have lots of interests.
I’ve seen basketball, chef, superhero, and construction aspirations. So I make sure that I invest heavily in his passions because I want him to know that he can do ANYTHING. I just advise him to remember mama’s two rules:
- Pursue the passion
- Practice will make perfect
What I love even more is how he listens, takes direction well, and gets it done. 5 YEARS OLD! He’s shown that he is committed to doing what he wants to do.
…and so…
A NEW PLANET HAS ARRIVED!Welcome to Landon’s Planet. He has asked for his own YouTube channel for a few months now. I hear him in the living room or in his room rehearsing his videos on a daily basis. It’s insane! I would say that I don’t know where he gets it from, but I’d be lying. He watches me record videos and vlogs all of the time. I have never pushed the idea of being a “kidfluencer” on him. This is all that he has asked and says he’s been inspired to do.
New Planet Discovered on YouTube
I’m proud to announce his channel launches today, with a debut video premiering this afternoon (11/24/2020) at 2 pm CST. You can watch his debut video below and you can click the video to subscribe to his channel.
Will you be watching more of Landon’s Planet? What videos do you want to see from Landon?See Also