
  • How To Meditate: Checklist and Guided Practice

    How To Meditate: Checklist and Guided Practice

    In 2018, I learned how to meditate effectively due to high-stress levels from working a job that brought me much misery and grief. I had to find a release, an escape, something that allow me to relax and be at ease. When I first started my journey into meditation, I had no clue how to meditate, did not know if it really worked, nor what it all meant. I always heard it explained as “a way to practice mindfulness”. Moreover, I thought that it sounded like an option to explore to relieve stress. After two years of practice, I still continue to meditate and use it to help with stress.

    Firstly, my journey introduced me to breath work and guided practice. Secondly, the meditation-guided practice helped me achieve inner peace has made things 100% easier. I share and document my meditation process on social media often and I get lots of questions from others about how should they begin meditation. Lastly, there are many people interested in meditation but feel that they’re not doing it right or have absolutely no clue what they’re doing.

    Meditate With Guided Practice

    You are NOT alone! You are NOT the master!


    I can relate to the feeling of being excited to do or learn something new and not knowing where to start. It can lead to an overwhelming feeling and sometimes makes you lose your desire to learn. As a result, I created a Mindful Meditation Checklist to help beginners feel comfortable with learning this new skill. The checklist has the basic tools that you will need to successfully complete one meditation session and will need to be repeated frequently to see results. This checklist is able to hold you accountable when you’re wondering if meditation and mindfulness is affective for you, as it is for me.

    Click here to download your free checklist today to begin your first meditation session!

    Get Your Free Meditation Checklist

    how to meditate checklist

    Check out more self-care tips and tricks:

  • 3 Tools For Goal Setting and Excellent Planning

    3 Tools For Goal Setting and Excellent Planning

    It’s been super important for me to get organized with my ideas and goals because I’ve got all these great, big ideas floating around in my head, but no clear thought on how to execute them. It’s not enough for me to just come up with an idea (nor should it be enough for you). I need to find tools for goal setting and planning. The only way to see the outcomes of these ideas is to plan them out.

    What am I doing? How will this work?

    My impulsive thinking can sometimes lead to a load of inconsistency in executing these ideas. I get so excited that I rush or skip several steps in the execution process. This is how dreams get deferred and ideas get crushed. When you know better then you’ll do better.

    That’s why I am sharing three tools I use to assist me in setting clear and concise goals through planning.  Keep scrolling to learn new ways to help you stay organized, plan out ideas, and develop strategies for executing your plan.

    Necessary Tools For Goal Setting

    tools for goal setting and planning

    Tools for Goal Setting: Gratitude Journaling, Planning, Organizing

    Journaling is the #1 source of where my ideas and goals begin. Through self-reflection prompts, I construct a list of 3-5 personal and professional goals I want to accomplish for the week. I also set monthly goals and daily affirmations using a gratitude journal. I find appreciation and gratitude to be instrumental in planning and setting realistic, attainable goals. The Daily Expression Gratitude Journal that I use comes with a “Gratitude Garden” that contains mindful questions and notebook pages for me to jot down my emotions and thoughts. I created it as a way to live with gratitude and appreciation. It’s available online for purchase and on sale for $7 here.

    Goal Setting Tool #2: Planner

    Having a planner as a tool is necessary because this is where I can sort out goals and figure out how I will meet them by listing small tasks that I can complete. Sunday- Saturday, I fill my planner with productive activities related to my weekly or monthly goals.

    Let’s use an Instagram Reel as an example. The objective will be to create an Instagram Reel for the week.

    I pick a day during the week that I can research reels to trigger inspiration, days that I can prepare for creation, and then the day that I want to post it. Making a reel does NOT just happen in five minutes! I realize that there may be intricate actions that I will need to take before it can happen. I may need to learn audio (lyrics and dialogue), rehearse dance moves, and sort out a look. Some of the questions I ask myself:

    • Where will I film this reel?
    • What should I wear?
    • What is the tone? 
    tools for goal setting

    I maximize a lot of my time by using a planner. The mom life is sporadic and chaotic. It’s easy to feel spread thin and busy. Honey, that’s the quickest way to burn out! Using a planner is beneficial to productivity. I’m able to juggle all of my many hats (human, wife, mom, teacher, writer, etc.) and not feel like I’ve completely exhausted all my time. It all gets done through time blocking, sticky notes, affirmation stickers, and lots of colors.

    TIP: Use markers and colorful pens to list your tasks in your planner.

    Goal Setting Tool #3: Google Calendar

    The last tool allows me to schedule my tasks into a digital calendar, and get reminders and alerts when it is time to execute them. Once I learned from other digital content creators about all of the magic that Google Calendar has, I started using it for purposes other than birthdays. I use Google Calendar to

    • help me figure out what time I have available to get things done.
    • stay on track with time blocking
    • celebrate accomplishments
    • remember what’s planned for the day
    • follow a schedule
    tools for goal setting: google calendar
    Photo by Pixabay on

    Was this helpful for you? How do you set goals and execute them? What tools do you use to help you execute your goals? How do you hold yourself accountable? Comment your thoughts on this topic below.

    Check out more planning and organizing posts like this one:

  • Which Gingerbread House Kit Is The Best?

    Which Gingerbread House Kit Is The Best?

    I hope the holiday season has brought peace and joy to you and your family. I know that the season has not been ideal for my family and me, but we have managed to create new traditions this year, with a little help from Walmart and their Gingerbread House Kit. Well, more like their brownie kit. I have never made gingerbread houses or men before.

    I’m finding new ways to spread Christmas cheer by starting new family traditions. When I saw these holiday baking projects on Pinterest, I was excited to introduce the idea to my family. Next, after they got on board, we chose our family baking project together. Additionally, I asked a few of my followers on social media for their votes on each project and the brownies WON! I picked up our easy-to-use brownie kit from Wal-Mart and brought it home to bring lots of warmth, love, and laughter to our home.

    Gingerbread House Kit from Wal- Mart

    Great Value Gingerbread Man Brownie Kit, 15.68 oz:

    • Makes about 8 brownies
    • Includes all of the dry ingredients and decorations needed to make gingerbread man brownies
    • Easy to follow instructions provided on the box
    • Create delicious, rich brownies that friends and family are sure to love

    Contains wheat. May contain traces of milk, eggs, cod, salmon, and coconut.

    My son Landon and I enjoyed baking these brownies together. I must admit that I was a little nervous about how “into this” he was going to be. Being a boy mom you never know what you will get when it comes to the things that boys like and dislike to do. I recorded a video of us baking our wonderful gingerbread brownies and you can watch it below. The Gingerbread Brownie Kit from Wal-Mart can be purchased in-store or online and includes a gingerbread cookie cutter, icing, and sprinkles.

    Merry Christmas!

    Thank you for joining us in creating our first mother and son holiday tradition. We are wishing you a jolly Christmas and a prosperous New Year! Be sure to keep following us for more content in 2021!

    What holiday traditions did you create this year? What traditions did you manage to keep or modify? How will you be keeping your season bright? Let us know in the comments below.

    Check out more baking recipes:



    Everyone is looking for safe ways to spend quality time with loved ones during this holiday season. One way that I found a way to bond with my son, Landon, was to make craft turkeys! Who remembers making little projects like this when you were younger? This was simple to do and fun to make.

    Making ‘Craft Turkeys’ Tutorial

    What you will need:

    1. Brown Cardstock
    2. Construction Paper
    3. Scissors
    4. Glue
    5. Sticky Tape
    6. Stapler/Staples
    7. Popsicle Sticks
    8. Pencil
    9. Googly Eyes


    Using a pencil, outline your hand on a piece of construction paper. Cut the outline of your hand with scissors. Save yourself some time by cutting multiple sheets of construction paper at once. I used six different pieces of construction paper for the feathers of my turkey.

    After you’ve cut all of your feather hands, you will want to spread them out in a fan-like shape. Fold back the bottom pieces of the hands and staple them together. Next, cut two circles (one small, one large) out of the brown cardstock that you will need. These circles will represent the body of your turkey. Glue them in the middle of your stapled feather hands.

    Reuse a piece of construction paper to cut the two strips that you’ll need to make the turkey’s legs. Once you have your strips, fold them back and forth (accordion style). You’ll also want to reuse other pieces to cut out a beak, feet, and snood. Then, glue the pieces to the body, and glue the eyes as the final feature of your turkey.

    Use some sticky tape to hold your popsicle stick to the turkey.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Making these paper turkeys brought back wonderful memories. I was happy to know that Landon enjoys simple crafts like these. How did we do? Let me know if you decide to make your own turkey project! Tag me in your holiday craft posts on social media. Follow me on YouTube for more reviews and tutorials!

    Check out more Arts and Crafts posts:

  • Getting To Know Me: Shocking Secrets Exposed

    Getting To Know Me: Shocking Secrets Exposed

    I’ll admit it. I forget that you all don’t know every little thing about me. I’m as open as I can be, but sometimes I like to keep a little bit of mystery. However, getting to know me is not totally complicated. Getting to know me has everything to do with me feeling free to get personal. Therefore, today’s post is all about ME!

    People always seem to make a list of the things that they despise or dislike more than they seem to talk about the things that make them happy! We spend so much time focused on the things that we wish to change; without reflecting on what we love the most. The things that we love the most are what keep us inspired and should help us to see that the things we dislike are minimal compared to the things that bring us joy. In no particular order, I created a list of my best-loved things.




    ALERT! NEW PLANET DISCOVERED. I enjoy entering new stages and seasons with Landon. You just never know what you’re going to get with the imaginative minds that kids have. One thing that I can say about myself as a parent is that I always encourage Landon to pursue whatever it is that he wants to do. I encourage him to find his passion and practice it. Mom knows he will always have lots of interests.

    new planet discovered: Landon's YouTube channel

    I’ve seen basketball, chef, superhero, and construction aspirations. So I make sure that I invest heavily in his passions because I want him to know that he can do ANYTHING. I just advise him to remember mama’s two rules:

    • Pursue the passion
    • Practice will make perfect

    What I love even more is how he listens, takes direction well, and gets it done. 5 YEARS OLD! He’s shown that he is committed to doing what he wants to do. 

    …and so…
    A NEW PLANET HAS ARRIVED! 🌎 Welcome to Landon’s Planet. He has asked for his own YouTube channel for a few months now. I hear him in the living room or in his room rehearsing his videos on a daily basis. It’s insane! I would say that I don’t know where he gets it from, but I’d be lying. He watches me record videos and vlogs all of the time. I have never pushed the idea of being a “kidfluencer” on him. This is all that he has asked and says he’s been inspired to do.

    New Planet Discovered on YouTube

    I’m proud to announce his channel launches today, with a debut video premiering this afternoon (11/24/2020) at 2 pm CST. You can watch his debut video below and you can click the video to subscribe to his channel.

    Will you be watching more of Landon’s Planet? What videos do you want to see from Landon?

    See Also

  • Spooky Halloween: Here For All The Boos!

    Spooky Halloween: Here For All The Boos!

    Halloween 2020 was super fun and creative. We decided against trick or treating this year, but we still got Landon a costume to wear around the house. I didn’t feel comfortable attending harvest parties, festivals, or haunted houses because we are still practicing social distancing guidelines and rules. COVID is ruining things as we once knew them to be, but I could tell that Landon enjoyed cosplay and trick-or-treating Quarantine Style.


  • How To Reduce Stress and Self-Care Everyday

    How To Reduce Stress and Self-Care Everyday

    Whenever I neglect to practice personal care, it has an effect on my anxiety and general mood. We all know that stress is not the easiest to manage and it’s easier said than done. How many of you have started one thing that you’ve gotten motivated to do for yourself, but did not stay committed to the journey? Have you ever felt defeated because of stress? Discouraged?

    How often is your mood affected by stress? It’s time to change your self-care habits! How to reduce stress? Certainly, you can manage stress. I’ve found that regular practice with these six self-care activities helps to improve how often I tend to personal care, how much I enjoy practicing self-care during each of these acts, and keep me motivated to meet my goals.

    how to reduce stress

    It’s almost like I’ve discovered a hidden message all within my mind, body, and soul, and I’m finally finding the courage to crack the codes. Yes, I am a full-time working wife and mother of one. Of course, my life is hectic! Most often, there’s too much on my plate (even though I’m passionate about EVERY thing on my plate). I’m sitting at the table trying to finish all of my food, but truth is, I am overwhelmed. Whenever I get like this, I have to remember to get up and relax. To lower my risks of burnout, anxiety, and depression, I engage in things that I enjoy to rekindle the balance in my life.


  • Brilliant Moves: What Do People Use Blogs For

    Brilliant Moves: What Do People Use Blogs For
    what do people use blogs for?

    What do people use blogs for? Well, for me, blogging is something that I have always been passionate about (see: Introducing Life + Style With Kris). Blogs are a great way to express my thoughts and control my own narrative. After successfully starting a college blog in 2008, I never discovered love as deep as the one I have for writing. Above all, I blog because this is a career I want to pursue full-time. So why did I stop? What made me start back ten years later?


  • The Complete Guide To My Skincare Routine

    The Complete Guide To My Skincare Routine

    I get compliments and questions on what I do to maintain clear skin all of the time. I’m usually a modest person, attributing it to drinking more water and staying indoors, but I must be honest. I do have a skincare routine. Every 3-4 weeks, I follow a simple three-step process, and I will sometimes add more products based on acne breakouts or hyperpigmentation. The steps that I am going to share with you are instrumental in cleansing, correcting, and moisturizing your skin. They are easy to follow, should also be easy to stick with, and are results-driven, no matter what your skin type may be!

    There are products for all skin types, so before you begin taking notes of the products that I use, please remember that my skin type is considered to be normal. The products that I use are universal and can be absorbed into most skincare routines. I encourage you to look at all products that are going to address your concerns and will be something that you can use regularly.


  • 8 Awesome Yoga Poses for Anxiety (Tested)

    8 Awesome Yoga Poses for Anxiety (Tested)

    If you have been following me on social media, then you know that I have been practicing yoga. My practice method is 2-3 times a week, and sometimes I’ll post the transitions I’m practicing on IGTv (Check my Instagram for “Self-Care Sundays”). I’ve been enjoying getting to learning yoga poses to help improve my physical and mental health. Regular discipline and practice have increased my ability to find inner peace and salvation. Oh, and did I mention that I’m not an expert at this? Although I am not as trained as some, I’ve still gained a bit of knowledge about the art of yoga. We all don’t have to be Yogis!

    8 beginner yoga poses

    Being at home for five/six months has taken a lot of adjustment for all of us, and it steadily affects my mind and body. Yoga has allowed me to escape to find release. I’ve learned eight poses or transitions that have helped me to relieve tension, stress, and anxiety. These eight yoga poses are great for beginners like me and are steps in the direction towards allowing yoga to heal your body.


  • Our Awesome Vacation To Beautiful Gulf Shores

    Our Awesome Vacation To Beautiful Gulf Shores

    Summer 2020 has been nothing like I envisioned it to be. An eventful, sunny season is ultimately my favorite time of year and honestly all that I’d hope it to be. Due to the ongoing and everlasting pandemic, COVID-19 has gotten in the way of many things. I miss vacations! I miss itineraries and sizable events/ activities. Will traveling ever go back to being what we knew it to be? I decided to find out with a quick getaway trip to Gulf Shores.

    I am optimistic that we will be able to take trips like we used to, but in the meantime, I’d like to be creative and find a way to just… getaway. If not only but for a short and sweet moment, wouldn’t that be nice? July is a significant month for me and represents a time of love, joy, and happiness. For starters, it is my birth month & a host of other family and friends!

    family in gulf shores vacation rental

    Planning for our trip to Gulf Shores

    It’s also the month that my husband and I wed. July 2020 will always be significant, marking five years of marriage! Could you imagine being equally excited to celebrate an occasion such as this but weary about how to even approach the planning for it? To be truthful, we’d almost given up on planning anything. What was there to do? What was SAFE to do?

    There may not be much to do, but there was one thing that we knew to do: we had to get away. Our research on VRBO led us to condo rentals that wouldn’t be too far from home in Gulf Shores, Alabama. We have vacationed there a couple of times before and have always managed to have a great time. We hadn’t heard of any surge of COVID-19 cases there, and the rental properties seemed to have accommodations, rules, and guidelines due to the current pandemic that we could comply with. I started to become intrigued by the possibilities of being able to escape my bedroom, office, and living room spaces.

    DisclaimerHeads up! My posts contain affiliate links. If you buy something through one of those links, you won’t pay a penny more, but I’ll get a small commission, which helps keep the lights on. Thanks!

    See Related: Romantic Ideas for Date Night this Valentine’s Day

    Gulf Shores Lodging: Young’s Suncoast Rentals

    gulf shores condo (young's sun coast rentals)

    Young’s Suncoast Condo Rentals
    We found a beautiful one-bedroom condo within minutes from the Gulf Shores beach. Young’s Suncoast has several properties within the area (Orange Beach, Gulf Shores, Fort Morgan). The One Club condo property offered us many amenities, a few that we could take advantage of such as a restaurant and bar that delivered, a 24/7 Fitness Center, and private cabanas. Check out pictures from the Young’s Suncoast website for pictures of vacation rental properties. I decided to decorate our condo on arrival day with themed balloon colors and anniversary keepsakes. Everything turned out flawlessly and set the tone for a weekend full of love, happiness, and relaxation.

    White, Gold, Teal Balloons
    Gold Backdrop

    Gulf Shores Beaches & Food

    gulf shores beach

    Beach Bums & Sandcastles
    Public beaches are open if you’re in or near Alabama! It’s dead in the middle of Summer and thanks to COVID, my family and I haven’t had any family fun at the beach. We were able to find a spot on the beach, at a safe distance from everyone else, and hang out for the day. It was nice to watch the waves (which were high that day) and layout in the sun. I walked the shore for a bit before building sandcastles with my husband and son.

    Eat and Merry
    Normally when I travel, I like to dine in at restaurants that I’ve never experienced. I truly miss life pre-COVID. We worked around restaurant closures and limited menus the best that we could and honestly owe Door Dash a huge thank you! If you don’t have this food delivery service it is worth the app to download on your smartphone. Another Broken Egg is one of my favorite brunch restaurants and every time I visit Gulf Shores, it is a must-have. Usually, I’d recommend restaurants like GT’s On The Bay or Barefoot Island Grill. If you don’t have to venture out, let the food come to you.

    Here are some Door Dash promo codes for July. Hurry, they’ll be expiring soon.

    Making the Best of Gulf Shores

    We Are Family
    I envisioned a tropical vacation trip out of the country (it would’ve been my first time) for my fifth wedding anniversary. I’ve had previous thoughts about taking a cruise or a trip to the Bahamas. However, circumstances allowed us to create memories in other ways.

    The trip to Gulf Shores allowed my family and me to find innovative ways to bond. Usually, vacations are filled with activities, events, and itineraries. Quality time indoors while you’re away from home is typically minimal but, it deepened our communication with each other. For example, we played Zingo (a fun sight word game for toddlers) for a family fun night. Landon enjoyed identifying words on his (and everyone else’s) boards and getting a taste of winning at games.

    What Summer travel plans did you have to change due to COVID-19? Will you still be taking any trips with the Summer almost coming to an end? Have you taken any trips yet this Summer? Leave a comment below.

  • You’ll Want These: Simple Veet 3-In-1 Wax Strips

    You’ll Want These: Simple Veet 3-In-1 Wax Strips

    Disclaimer: Heads up! My posts contain affiliate links. If you buy something through one of those links, you won’t pay a penny more, but I’ll get a small commission, which helps keep the lights on. Thanks!

    My followers on Instagram agreed that I should try body waxing and recommended that I try Veet’s 3-in-1 Wax Strips or Sensitive Precision Beauty Styler (an electric trimmer for facial hair). I decided to conduct a poll because I didn’t know which one I wanted to try out first. Both products seemed like a great fit for what I wanted to accomplish. The people voted and decided that the 3-in-1 Wax Kit was what they were so eager for me to try. A lot of you had positive feedback about what you liked about it and what it was able to do for you.

    Scroll on to read more about Veet 3-in- 1 Wax Strips & the Waxing Body Kit

    About Veet

    Veet has made waxing super fun, quick, and easy with their latest body waxing strips. I was able to wax in under 25 mins & now I love body waxing at home!

    Veet 3-in-1 waxing strips effectively removes hair close to the root in just a few minutes! The formula with cold wax strips quickly removes 95% of your hair at the first application while leaving your skin moisturized. It is best suited for sensitive skin as it is enriched with Shea Butter and Acai Berries fragrance that help nourish your skin and leaves behind salon-like glowing smooth skin with results lasting up to 28 days for a refreshing experience. The pre-cut body hair removal strips are for ready-to-apply action in seconds and perfect finish wipes will help clean up any remaining wax residue.

    I purchased my wax kit from Amazon. You can easily get yours from Wal-Mart or Target while you’re out, but if you’re like me and shop online for convenience, I got you. Grab yours here.

    One Veet 3-in- 1 Wax Strips Kit includes:

    1. 40-count wax strips
    2. 4 Perfect Finish Wipes

    I did not realize that I ordered a two-pack until it arrived, so I have (80) wax strips total. I knew that since it’s been six weeks since the last shave I needed to make sure I had enough. FYI: one box is enough.

    Take a look at the 3-in-1 Waxing Kit contents below.

    veet 3-in-1 wax strips kit contents

    The use of the gel wax strips was simple and easy. I decided to wax my underarms and legs and you can watch as I review my experience in the video below.

    How to use Veet 3-in-1 Wax Strips

    There are just four easy steps. Gently peel the double-sided wax strips apart using the grip tabs. Next, apply the strip to the skin, and grip the tab side facing downwards. Rub several times in the hair growth direction your hair grows.

    Pro Tip: Always pull back the strip against the direction of hair growth, keeping the strip close to the skin as you pull. 

    Hold your skin tightly stretched, grasp the tab, and pull the strip back on itself as quickly as you can! The faster you pull, the more hair you remove! After waxing, clean away any wax left on your skin with the Perfect Finish Wipe.

    veet 3-in-1 wax strip instructions

    Rating: 4 out of 5.

    Veet 3-in-1 Wax Strips Review

    Very easy! I was so pleased and happy with the end result. I did have to clean up mid-waxing because I waxed the same area more than once. It became TOO much gel TOO fast. LOL! The instructions for use do recommend to wax in a consistent pattern to make sure you don’t miss hairs.

    However, DO NOT wax over the same area more than once. My leg hairs did not show well in pics or on film due to lack of hair. Veet has made waxing at home super fun, quick, and easy. I was able to wax in under 25 mins! That was super convenient for me because Landon (my son) was ready for me to spend some time with him.

    Let me know your experience with using Veet’s 3-in-1 Wax Strip Kit in the comments below. If you are looking to do more self-care things like this when you’re at home, give this a try. I have decided that I just might not ever return to a spa for waxing services ever again! Oh and if you’re not already, make sure you’re following me on Instagram and YouTube so that you can catch my posts and videos.

    Check out more self-care posts:

  • 8 Guaranteed Best Aromatherapy Must-Haves

    8 Guaranteed Best Aromatherapy Must-Haves

    Essential oils are one of the ways that we combat stress and anxiety while allowing us to relax and take a load off. Each blend is unique in helping decrease chronic pain, tension, headaches, and even sinus pressure. People find ways to incorporate aromatherapy into their daily life to improve health and general wellbeing. Plenty of men and women have purchased electronic diffusers that can illuminate your home with your favorite scent for hours! Aromatherapy roll-ons are an easy application tool to try using on the body or a pillow before bed.

    They are one of the best features of a relaxing and rejuvenating bath bomb. One of the questions that I receive a lot is, “how do I know that I am picking the right scent to help me relax and unwind?” and I am so happy that I can finally answer this question for you.

    Essential oils have different aromas and all derive from a combination of different things such as fruit or plants. Depending on what tickles your fancy, you may not enjoy citrus or a pine fragrance. That’s okay!

    Types of Aromatherapy Oils

    I’ve come up with 8 essential oil blends that are must-haves for achieving relaxation and relief and I want to share them with you today.

    I have options for anyone looking to find the aromatherapy fragrance for them.


  • What You Don’t Know About College (Secrets Exposed)

    What You Don’t Know About College (Secrets Exposed)

    Congratulations High school graduates! Hats off to all of you who will be graduating this month. You’ve made it through grades K-12 and the grand finale to your academic challenges has arrived. You deserve to celebrate! What a momentous milestone! Embrace this moment in time, for when you get to college, it’s a whole new world!

    A new fantastic point of view. No one to tell you no, or where to go. College is going to teach you things about yourself and you should be prepared for some of the experiences headed your way. College doesn’t come with a manual or an attachment PDF file on how to maintain during your tenure. Moreover, I’m sure that this post won’t be the only piece of college advice you’ll receive.

    Family is going to persuade or dissuade some of your decision makings. The beauty of all this unsolicited advice is to take heed but still “do you”. Finally, to truly enjoy this dazzling place you’ve never known, you sometimes have to let your heart decide.

    Six Rules for Prepping for College

    college goals

    Be Ready To Meet The New You
    I know that self-discovery while in grades K-12 was an emotional and physical rollercoaster. Usually, high school can do a great job of making you believe that you’ve got everything figured out (including self). However, you should know that you are going to change quite often after your first college experience. This will give you opportunities where you can develop and transform into who you truly are or want to be.

    Imagine being shy and reserved throughout high school but beginning to shed those outer layers, exposing your newfound appreciation for your overtly outgoing personality. Imagine being a procrastinator in grade school and developing into a person that’s OCD about organization and punctuality. College can bring some amazing qualities and attributes that you most likely did not know resides within you!

    Go To Class… On-Time!
    Of course, if you’re enrolled in courses at a University or two-year college, why wouldn’t you be attending class? You’ll be surprised at the overwhelming plethora of things to do on campus. All of those activities can make going to class seem inferior to what you feel is more important at the time. Don’t listen! Go to class! It’s even more important if you’re going to be staying on campus. There’s not going to be anyone around to make sure that you’re up on time for class. Your roommate could but I wouldn’t rely on that too heavily. They’ve got their schedule to follow. Invest in a reliable and sturdy alarm clock (not just the one on your phone).

    Note: Select courses that don’t start super early! A 7 am or 8 am class is not good for anybody but early birds.

    Join Programs & Be Social
    One way to make friends with peers is to meet them. There are SO many people to meet in college! They’re from all over the world and they’re looking to create the same experiences as you. I met several colleagues through campus programs and activities being offered. Getting involved in something like a fraternity or sorority might be one of the things to interest you. Joining the student newspaper or Resident Assistant program might also be some things to look into. I guarantee you that there will be plenty of unusual activities to participate in and you should take advantage!

    college or join the workforce

    Live on Campus
    If you’ve decided that you will attend your local college or enroll in online courses, I hope that I’m not too late to persuade you to try out dorm life. Please consider staying on campus! I know, I know. You don’t like the idea of sharing a tiny space with someone you don’t know. You’re timid just thinking about the idea of showering in a common “private but public” space and prefer the privacy in your bathroom. I had those same sentiments but still gave on-campus housing a try.

    Honestly, staying in dorms for three years of my college life gave me one of my biggest unforgettable moments. It’s such a fun experience and gives you another opportunity to meet new people through roommates and other hall residents. Think of it as your first taste of living on your own by making it your new home. Decorate your room with basic dorm room essentials! Amazon is giving students the opportunity to sign up for Amazon Prime for just $6/mo. Just in time to stock up on things that you need before August gets here.

    College Isn’t The Only Option
    School may not be for everybody. Do you have other plans for your life? You could. For those that are looking to join the workforce as soon as they’re able to cross the stage, take your time to research job opportunities. There are systems set in place like trade schools to help you learn your passionate craft. You’ll have to keep in mind that you’re graduating high school right now. Some if not most jobs will require previous experience and/or advanced training.

    Then there’s another option. You could join a branch of the military. If you’re looking for someone to advocate that decision, I regret to inform you that I can not support the decision. However, I could and would respect it. I’ve seen a couple of my friends turn military life into something to aspire to have. My advice would be to weigh the pros and cons. It’s still an option that’s available and one for you to consider.

    The other option you could choose would be opting to attend a two-year college first. That’s certainly one that would be high on anyone’s list that may be graduating from high school! You should be finalizing your decisions on whatever you’re planning to do after high school soon.

    Seize The Moment
    The only thing that there’s left to do is to enjoy your new life! You’ve made it to college and that’s a major deal. College is going to bring you memories that are going to last a lifetime. Get excited about those Homecoming nights & the captivating nightlife. It’ll feel as if you’re in a movie. Participate in tailgates and social gatherings as much as you can. You and your peers will rewrite college culture and make it your own! I’m certain that the libations and spirits will make for a great time. Enjoy this rollercoaster ride and worry about dating and children later. Spend this time chasing your dreams and enjoying even the bumps in the road.

    Check out more life tips:

    To those who have graduated, what advice would you give to the graduating class of 2020? What things have you learned throughout your time in college? What is something that you wish someone would have told you before you started college?

  • My First Amazon Haul (Everything You Need)!

    My First Amazon Haul (Everything You Need)!

    While I have been sheltering in place, I have had so much free time. Idle time eventually led to scrolling through websites and apps on my phone. The next thing I knew, I have spent more money than I probably should have shopping on Amazon these last few weeks. Every single day for a solid three weeks to a month, I have found myself on Amazon or websites like them buying some essential and some non-essential things. As a result, I decided to do an Amazon haul.

    Clothes, shoes, makeup, purses, and beauty products. I’m not even kidding! It doesn’t help that having things like Amazon Prime, which will guarantee your item’s arrival within 48 hours taunting you, either. So I’ve decided to share a few of my purchases.

    Don’t worry, these are all products you benefit from! I know that you’ll be thrilled to be introduced to these products and probably can’t wait to put them in your cart. I hope you look forward to seeing posts like this once a month. Furthermore, Amazon has impressed me with the quality of the items I purchased.


  • How To Create a Beautiful Image Backdrop

    How To Create a Beautiful Image Backdrop

    Do you love to take quality pictures and video content? Have you ever found yourself trying to take the perfect photograph for your Instagram feed, but your background looks a mess? Maybe you’re a blogger/ vlogger trying to record a video but your shower curtain is photobombing you because that’s the only space where you can create. You could be trying to take the cutest photo of your kid for a special occasion without wanting to pay a photographer for backdrop services. Photography services can be expensive!

    simple backdrop ideas

    Having backdrops can really enhance your photo and video aesthetic value to your digital content. That’s why professionals like photographers and videographers rely on them so heavily! You, too, can have your very own backdrop sis! What’s even better is that you can make a backdrop yourself, saving money on future professional photography services forever. Woohoo!

    Materials Needed for Backdrop

    Disclaimer: LIFE + STYLE with Kris receives a commission for using Amazon products for the projects that I share in posts.  Although I receive a commission for using and linking their products, they are extremely good for my projects. All opinions and suggestions are unbiased.

    The steps that I took to building my Sunflower wall actually were as simplistic as Pinterest made it seem to be. There really aren’t many steps involved in building a backdrop BUT it is time-consuming. I could have completed this in less than six days and you may be able to finish it in a shorter timeframe. However, I was not in a hurry to complete this project. I wanted it to turn out beautiful and honestly, I had so much fun making it!

    flower wall backdrop

    Build Your Panel Frames

    I used the beautiful chocolate carnation flowers as what I call my “base” color. The panel size dimensions are 19 x 14in. and require a lot of artificial flowers. There are over 100 pegs to fill! To fill them, simply attach the stem of your artificial flower to the peg on each panel frame. I used nine-panel frames for my backdrop. I originally wanted a combination of different carnations (chocolate and cream) but made a choice to forego it. Buying flowers in bulk can be expensive!

    TIP: Think about what color(s) you will use in great detail. The more color you want, the more money you will spend.

    backdrop panels

    Gluing Paper Flowers

    If you choose the perfect flower, you may not want to add additional details. I added white paper roses to the center of my carnations for a 3D look. Using a hot glue gun, I glued the roses to every other carnation for each panel frame.

    TIP: If you are fine with the flower you’ve already used, then you can easily move on to attaching your panel frames to your wall.

    putting together a backdrop

    Place Frames on the Wall

    Designate your space/area where you will build your frames. I used a wall in our home office because that’s where I go to create most of my digital content. I used thumb tacks to pine each panel closely together evenly.

    TIP: Building a full wall is great for full body images. If you are going to use your backdrop for mainly selfies/headshots, you should use fewer (roughly six) panels.

    Continue Adding Embellishments: Peony Flowers

    The last task for me to execute is adding peony flowers. They arrive flat after ordering, so I had to fluff out 12 paper peony flowers before attaching them to the frames. Each peony has a clear string hook that makes for easy attachment. I love that they also came with peel-off adhesives! I should have ordered more of these (probably will go back and buy more).

    Backdrops are easy to do!

  • Social Distancing: Self-Care & Keep the Faith

    Social Distancing: Self-Care & Keep the Faith

    The world has been under stress while trying to remain calm in the midst of chaos. The arguably most infectious virus, COVID-19, continues to sweep the nation indoors! If you’re outside, social distancing is required. I have been following the frightening headlines from February to the present day, and you know what? I’M TIRED!

    Two weeks ago marked the last time I punched a time clock, the last time my son would see his friends and teacher, and the first time that I was forced to distance myself from the outer world due to safety and health concerns. Our old routine as we once knew it is no more. Additionally, I’ve had to get innovative to keep sanity and normalcy and to keep from spiraling into a depression.

    The thing about home is that this is our resting place, our “safety net”, where we come to take a break from the things we do every day. Now our home is home to Miss Mama’s P-4 Academy, the Buchanan YouTube GYM, and our updated version of “The Office”— minus the paper sales. All of these headquarters reside right in our forever-transforming living room.

    Social Distancing Activities

    Miss Mama’s P-4 Academy was created to keep Landon sharp on his writing, tracing, coloring, and reading. Every morning (Monday- Friday), Landon and I begin classwork after breakfast–around 8-9 am. First, we tackle the task of tracing and writing his name. Mary’s Little Lambs, the school Landon attends, put together a packet of schoolwork to keep kids busy and on track with the curriculum. The packet consists of writing, coloring, counting, and matching skill sets.

    Landon practiced writing his name, coloring, and matching opposites.
    Landon practiced writing his name, coloring, and matching opposites.

    After classwork is completed, Landon has the option of going outside to play in the front yard or taking a walk in the neighborhood. He always chooses to go for the walk first and we later go back outside in the afternoon. The walk is usually no more than a block or two and we come back home. The rest of the afternoon is dedicated to free time, usually after a well-needed and deserved nap.

    TIP: Flashcards have been our latest game to encourage the spelling of words. We also have alphabet letter magnets on our refrigerator that we use to also encourage spelling.

    social distancing activities

    More Quarantine Activities

    Afternoons are for taking care of important business in “The Office”. Usually, I get started around 2-3 pm, and that time consists of working strictly from my laptop or phone. I make my own schedule and this is a benefit to building my brand. I get more time to create content, engage with and build my audience, and commit to a more consistent writing schedule. This will last until about 7 pm, and then I start transitioning into retiring for the day.

    Self-care time with Que Bella Beauty products!
    Hydrating Pineapple Peel Off Mask/ Intensive Foot Sock Mask both left my skin feeling rejuvenated!

    Self-care is important and I believe in it. Last week, I gave myself a mini facial and a foot mask all while still managing to fit in family time! However, every self-care activity I choose to do is different. It depends on how I am feeling that day.

    Yesterday, I did a 25- minute Hip Hop Workout right from my living room TV. Sometimes I choose to rest and simply “be still”. Additionally, I choose to avoid the internet for a few hours to shut out all the noise. Moreover, I’ve been watching more TV than usual due to all the extra time I’ve got on my hands now. Below is a list of all the movies and TV shows that I’ve been watching while being in the house.

    Binging TV while Social Distancing

    NOTE: This list is subject to be updated at any time

    social distancing: binging shows

    Although it appears I’ve got it all figured out, I’m really just winging it. There are really only three keys to making it through quarantining and social distancing, with the main one being following through.

    Stay at home and practice social distancing only in essential situations (going to work/ grocery stores). Remain optimistic and positive! This is an obstacle but just like any other, we can and we will make it through. Furthermore, find the silver lining to what social distancing has forced us to do, which is be still, healthy, and take care. Creativity will lead the way if you allow it. In times of boredom, it’s amazing what your mind can create.

    Check out more ideas for quarantining and social distancing:

    Comment below and tell me what you’ve been doing during this time. I’m looking for new ideas! I want to share these experiences with you all.

  • 35 Things I Want To Do Before Turning 35

    35 Things I Want To Do Before Turning 35

    With everything that is happening in the world right now, I can’t help but sit and reflect on the things I want to do. Life has a funny way of slowing you down. It’s been forcing me to really sit down and put some long thought into what I reaaallly need to be coming to terms with. What’s that? So glad that you asked. Life is short and if you let it, it can pass you by.

    Time waits for no one.

    I know you know the sayings, just like I know the sayings. We’ve heard them quite a few times throughout our lives, but is it just a saying or is it really that real? While I have been choosing to isolate myself at home by way of social distancing, I’ve been thinking of all the things that I should be doing. That I have been putting off or simply making excuses as to reasons why they can’t be done. I’ve let myself get distracted from meeting my goals, guys!! I’m thirty-one years old and there’s still so much that I want to do. The younger me thought that I would’ve been “settled” and boyyyy was I wrong. 

    Hold up! Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been enjoying life but I’ve realized that there are things that I have not had the chance to do yet; that I thought I would have by this stage in life. I haven’t and will not give up on them, as there are other things I want to experience again because it makes me happy. Who doesn’t want to experience something that made them once happy over and over

    So, I’ve decided to come up with a list.

    A list of things that I would like to do before reaching the next “major milestone” in my life. I did the math. I’m thirty-one now. In four years, I will be thirty-five. Four years should be enough time to knock off a few goals, right? Did I come up with realistic ideas that can be achieved? How much can one achieve in four years? It’ll at least give me some things to look forward to doing. As long as I am manifesting my goals, I can keep being the driving force in actually accomplishing whatever it is I want! I’ve attached my list below and included a few that I’m working on already, to give myself a head start.

    35 Things I Want To Do Before Turning 35

    List of 35 Things I Want To Do Before 35

    1. Become a successful blogger
    2. Travel or vacation in Miami, Florida
    3. Buy or build a House
    4. Travel or vacation outside of the U.S.
    5. Renew my vows
    6. Relocate to a new state
    7. Take online courses or go back to college
    8. Go on a cruise
    9. Increase my net worth
    10. Upgrade my car
    11.  Lower my debt/ increase my credit score
    12. Partner with a major corporate brand
    13. Travel or vacation to Los Angeles, California
    14. Attend a concert or festival
    15. Successfully own a business
    16. Become a member of a church
    17. Own a creative space
    18. Redecorate/ Interior decorate my home
    19. Learn a new skill
    20. Spend more time with family and friends
    21. BE HAPPIER!
    22. Support a hobby or extracurricular activity of my son’s
    23. Attend a Paint ‘N Sip Party
    25. Take my mother on a shopping spree
    26. Splurge on a shopping spree for myself
    27. Go to therapy
    28. Create a meditation schedule
    29. Chase my dreams
    30. Gain 25 pounds
    31. Establish a tribe
    32. Read 10 different books
    33. Make/ create a new project
    34. Exercise two times a day
    35. Go to a ball/ gala

    Check out more goals/ inspiration posts:

    Have a bucket list of your own? Maybe you’re inspired and want to make your own list now. I want to hear about all the things that you have yet to do/ want to do. Let’s motivate each other. Leave me a comment below so that I can follow along with you! 

  • How Releasing Negative Thoughts Improved My Life

    How Releasing Negative Thoughts Improved My Life

    Negative thoughts are thoughts that stand in the way of good health. The road to self-improvement is a constant journey that requires regular maintenance. I am consistently being challenged to find more ways to persevere through obstacles that arise and it sometimes triggers me to react negatively. My thoughts and fears take over and send me on a downward spiral of self-doubt and uncertainty. I’ve learned how to channel that energy into practicing mindfulness and meditation and it’s really been essential to my self-help development. However, I don’t always feel like being mindful or meditating every day.

    letting go of negative thoughts changed my life

    Stop and Redirect Negative Energy

    When my thoughts and emotions start taking over and controlling my reactions, I’ve learned to stop and redirect them. The one thing that I’ve learned while practicing meditation is that the mind can drift off if you let distractions deter you. You know that you can multitask, you know that you can focus on more than one thing at a time. It’s very easy to lose focus on positivity and the things that matter the most to you. Shifts happen all the time in everyday life, what went well today may not go well tomorrow, and boom! You’re in your head again. Adjusting to shifts in your routine and everyday life isn’t always a quick and easy transition.

    PRO TIP: stay vigilant. You cannot allow negative emotions to dictate your life. The moment that you feed into that negative energy, you are creating and building more obstacles and hurdles for yourself. Discipline yourself to stop and redirect that energy somewhere. Channel it into something else that will emote positive results and energy.

    Write Your Negative Thoughts Down

    My head can easily get clogged attempting to process every single thought and feeling that you have. Painfully overwhelming! What makes it more difficult is trying to sort out those feelings and emotions all at once. It’s too much! How can I solve my problems when I can’t even clearly think about them? Writing down thoughts, feelings, and fears can and will declutter your mind, giving me at least a moment of peace. Writing has always been a safe haven for anyone to be able to speak their mind freely.

    PRO TIP: write it down and read it to yourself aloud. Decide if it’s worth holding on to. If your answer is yes, stop and redirect. If your answer is no, ball up your piece of paper with your thoughts and feelings, and throw it away. Let go of that feeling of wanting to think and react negatively.

    See also: How to Reduce Stress and Self-Care Everyday

    Negative Thoughts are Normal

    There’s no way that I should be expecting myself to be perfect, yet I still do. I’ve trained myself that I should expect nothing but excellence. I’m a planner and an organizer. In my mind, I think that I have what it takes to be perfect. Truth is, it’s impossible for anyone to be perfect. However, for some odd reason, I think that I’m supposed to handle every thought and feeling perfect. I’ve since learned that I need to take a moment, stop and redirect. Realistically I cannot think that everything that I do or every emotion that I have is going to be positive. Especially while on a path to self-improvement because

    *spoiler alert*: it doesn’t happen overnight. I’m going to stop blaming myself every time something goes wrong. I’m also going to discipline myself to stop blaming others every time something goes wrong. PRO TIP: the plan is to always continue moving forward. It’s never personal, it’s a challenge. Don’t question the challenge (no matter how difficult it may be). Stop and redirect. Know that you are deserving of a happy life and believe it!

    Consistent Work Will Decrease Negative Thoughts

    One thing that I know for sure is that I can never give up on improving the way that I want to live my life. Negative thoughts come and go and they only linger if you fuel that energy. Stop giving life to things that don’t make your life better! Consistently putting in the work to defeat negativity and the pessimist views that it brings is going to require great discipline. Implement discipline and routine practice daily to stay focused and on track to meeting the goals that I want to meet and attain. In the beginning, it may be rough, but you’ve got to see it through by staying consistent. PRO TIP: repetition is key.

    I’m taking control over what consumes my mind and I encourage anyone else who hasn’t been in control of their thoughts to also do the same. I’m human, you’re human. Discipline yourself to stop and redirect negative energy. Continue to move forward even when you’re feeling like you’re not ready for the challenge. Stay consistent and develop a high level of focusing on what positively impacts your life.

  • 10 Favorite Date Ideas for Valentine’s Day Love

    10 Favorite Date Ideas for Valentine’s Day Love

    Valentine’s Day is around the corner and you may be looking for ideas on ways to celebrate your significant other. Romance is a wide spectrum of how people find ways to express love and gratitude to those they love. Roses and chocolate ain’t for everybody! Here’s a list of ten of my favorite ideas for Valentine’s Day. Additionally, these romantic date night ideas will highlight a memorable experience with your special love.

    Artsy Ideas for Valentine’s Day: Paint and Sip

    ideas for valentines day date: sip-n-paint
    Photo Credit: Painting With a Twist

    A good way to bond with your partner could be to take a painting class together. Sharing an evening of wine and art in a relaxed setting offers an experience that you would never forget. Most Paint and Sip classes are inexpensive and are found to be very popular. Check locally for any studios that could be hosting a party near you.

    Note: Painting With a Twist has several locations throughout the U.S., see if there are any near you!

    Entertainment Ideas for Valentine’s Day: Dinner and Movie at Home

    Let’s face it, filling your belly up while watching a good flick always sounds like a good idea. Valentine’s Day falls on a weekday this year, and after a long day at work, the two of you might not be feeling like leaving the house or finding a babysitter to do anything. Watching a new or your favorite movie that the two of you picked out, paired with a home-cooked meal could be a fun way to talk to each other about the other’s day. Cooking together will allow the two of you to relax after a stressful day and focus on the things you love; the comfort of each other and your home.

    Your favorite artist/musician may have a show coming up near you. Additionally, this idea is another option where you will need to plan in advance for, having to purchase tickets.

    Culinary Ideas for Valentine’s Day: Couples Cooking Class

    ideas for Valentine's Day: cooking class

    All of the restaurants can book up quickly on Valentine’s Day and it’s quite possible that you may be tired of having to choose from the same restaurants for reservations. A cooking class will give you the opportunity to learn how to make each other’s favorite meals! See if you’re able to sign up for a local cooking class that will either allow you to create your own menus or create full-course meals from a delectable menu prepared for you. Pricing on cooking classes is usually per couple, not individually, but it isn’t exactly the cheapest option on this list. It’s best to plan ahead if this is something that you know you and your partner would be into doing.

    Ice Cream Date

    Who said that chocolate has to be the preferred sweet treat for Valentine’s Day? This can be a great idea to incorporate the kids and make it a “family date night”. Bring your loves to the nearest Marble Slab Creamery or Dippin’ Dots for a sweet inexpensive treat. I scream you scream, everybody will scream for ice cream!

    Relaxation Ideas for Valentine’s Day: Day at the Spa

    The two of you deserve a relaxing day, free of all of your day-to-day routine. It may be time to escape and what better way to do it than to visit the spa? Most spas have Valentine’s Day deals and packages that you can look into to take advantage of before it’s too late. Keep in mind that other couples may have this same idea in mind and you may need to schedule your appointments as soon as you know that you and your partner would like to make it a day of relaxation.

    Book a Hotel Room for the Night

    Can’t afford to take time off of work and/or a getaway for the weekend due to no one to watch the kids? Open up your browser tab and log in to your Expedia or Priceline to see what last-minute, one-night-only deals you can find. This can also be a family date night idea! As much as you could use a break, the kids may enjoy this time away from home too.

    Social Ideas for Valentine’s Day: Fun Date Night w/ Another Couple

    A couples’ retreat with your friends could be fun. Whether it is a vacation that you guys decide to plan out together or a group outing in town, it will prove to be a fun, interactive way to hang out with your partner and friends!

    Recreate Your First Date

    This could be a super romantic gesture if you have a great memory. Plan to travel to all of the spots where you shared your firsts. Your first meals, your first kiss, the first time you bought each other something in the mall. If you’re creative enough, this might be a really emotional idea that could remind you of all the moments you’ve shared together.

    Go Dancing!

    Like to dance? Not just at the club! Learning how to salsa could be a fun experience. Go have some drinks together and find a local salsa, samba, or tango class you can sign up for, and cut a rug! Taking a dancing class (whether you’re a great dancer or a terrible dancer) is guaranteed to be a joyous time out of the house. You’ll be surprised at all the moves you and your partner will make.

    Whatever you decide to do this Valentine’s Day, make sure your heart is in it. You don’t have to do any of the typical things that people normally do on this day. Your partner is with you because you make them feel like the happiest person alive! Any gesture from you will be one that they will embrace the most, regardless of whatever ideas you decide to come up with.

    Enjoying reading this post? Get more ideas for Valentine’s Day:

  • 5 Historically Awesome Places to Visit in Mississippi

    African American Military History Museum

    African American military museum- hattiesburg, mississippi
    Photo Credit: African American Military History Museum

    Delta Blues Museum

    delta blues museum clarksdale, mississippi
    Photo Credit: Delta Blues Museum

    Delta Blues Museum is where you go to explore the history and heritage of the American Blues genre. If you’re looking to find meaning or perspective about the blues and its origin, this museum is located in Clarksdale, Mississippi. Moreover, known as “the crossroads” of interstate sections HWY 61 and HWY 49.

    The museum is dedicated to the mission of preserving the story of the blues, as many legendary Blues music artists are born near Clarksdale, MS (Muddy Waters, Ike Turner, Sam Cooke).

    This February, the museum has several historical exhibits that include:

    • Ike Turner and Rocket 88, Panny Mayfield: Live from the Mississippi Delta
    • Don Nix: Memphis Man Living High, Laying Low
    • Blue Portraits in Steel

    For those looking to purchase tickets to tour The Delta Blues Museum, general admission is $10. Check out their website for brochures, pricing, tickets, or donations.

    The Grammy Museum

    grammy museum Cleveland, Mississippi
    Photo Credit: The Grammy Museum Mississippi

    The Grammy family is in Mississippi! The Recording Academy Grammy Museum provides unique learning opportunities about the creative and technological processes of Mississippi recording artists. The Grammy Museum, located in Cleveland, Mississippi, is an interactive celebration of music. In 2011, the 28,000-square-foot museum was built on the campus of Delta State University and has provided inspirational and educational public programs featuring exhibits, film, lectures, and intimate performances.

    Additionally, this month the museum features the celebration of Jermaine Dupri, 25 Years of Jermaine Dupri and SoSoDef. Exhibit highlights include:

    • lyric and concept books from Kris Kross
    • performance wardrobes for So So Def artists
    • the original beat machine that Jermaine Dupri used to make his earlier productions and more

    To find out how you can tour this exhibit before it leaves, go to The Grammy Museum’s website to get touring information.

    Mississippi Civil Rights Museum

    Mississippi civil rights museum
    Photo Credit: Mississippi Civil Rights Museum

    Mary O’Keefe Cultural Center

    Subscribe to THE LEWK to receive updates about local Mississippi museum events and Mississippi Black culture!

  • 3 Powerful Books Recommended for Self-Help

    3 Powerful Books Recommended for Self-Help

    At the end of the last year, I decided that I was going to start spending more time focusing on myself. The routines and habits that I have grown accustomed to having gotta go! It’s as simple as this: I need to get back to enjoying life. After some major life-changing events, I quit doing a lot of the things that I typically enjoy. I’m not myself anymore. So, I went back to reading books to start my self-help journey. I’ve found three books that are going to help retrain my mind and thought processes on how to live a meaningful and happy life again. Additionally, these three books recommended in this post have lots of rave reviews!

    Since I am a very busy lady, I really don’t have much time to just sit in a quiet room or corner, curled up with a book. I’ve heard some really great things about Audible (powered by Amazon), a digital audiobook reader. You can listen to your favorite books through the app that you have on your smart device & Audible is giving you a free 30-day trial, plus your first audiobook for free! This was the easiest route for me and obviously a no-brainer. Parents, we read bedtime stories every night. Let’s allow someone else to do the reading for us.

    Self-Help Books Recommended: Manual for Living

    books recommended: manual for living

    Manual for Living, by Epictetus, is the first book on the list. This book helps readers to see that some things are in their power and some are not, and to stop confusing the two. Our opinions of things determine how we feel about a particular event, not the event itself. The manual also wants us to challenge ourselves to think carefully about how we decide to spend our lives. People often spend their lives chasing things that are neither desirable nor as important as they seem. People also spend time desiring things that are not in their power. If this book describes you in any way, this will be a great read for you.

    Self-Help Books Recommended: The Practicing Mind

    books recommended: the practicing mind

    Secondly, The Practicing Mind takes readers on a path of developing focus and discipline in their lives. For those of us who like (or dislike) acquiring new skills or facing dreadful challenges that we hope to overcome, patience/focus/discipline are the traits that seem very difficult to maintain. The author, Thomas Sterner, will demonstrate how to learn skills for any aspect of life (from business to love) by learning to love the process. This is key for people who are in the business of practicing instant gratification. Remember: if at first, you don’t succeed, try again!

    books recommended: 10% happier

    Self-Help Books Recommended: 10% Happier

    The third, and final book on the list, is 10% Happier (written by Dan Harris). 10% Happier is about the discovery of meditation. The author depicts his personal journey and how he began to self-help through meditation. The book tells readers about practicing mindfulness and meditation and allows readers to relate even more by discussing the skepticism behind it. I’m certain there are even a few readers today that are skeptical about meditation, but I implore you to give it a try. I meditate regularly and the book and I are here to tell you that… it works! If you believe.

    If you’re wondering, I haven’t completed all of the books yet, but I have started reading. Hopefully, with the help of Audible, I can complete these a bit faster than the time that it would normally take a busy person to read a book. If you are on a self-care journey, incorporate these books into your plan. Self-care has to start with you. Please share any other books that you’ve read or plan on reading for self-improvement by leaving a comment below. Let’s improve the quality of our lives together!

  • Secrets Exposed: Black Girl Culture Is The Moment

    Secrets Exposed: Black Girl Culture Is The Moment
    black girl culture blog

    The day that I decided I was going to get back into writing again, I did a little bit of exploring for inspiration. For some creative minds, when you haven’t been practicing with your craft/talent, it’s likely due to falling out of love with your passion. I started taking the beginner steps necessary to change my life. I stumbled across BGC, (Black Girl Culture) a blog engineered by black women, for black women. Pop Culture, Politics/Activism, Lifestyle, Music, Health & Beauty, Fashion–all curated by Black women.

    After hours of reading posts and drawing inspiration, I saw that this blog was looking for writers for the winter. Moreover, they were looking for writers for any topic, wanting to center their voice. My inner voice started speaking to me and I said, “Hey, girl! Let’s do this!” Let’s get out of our comfort zone! This could be life-changing for me. Sometimes, you have to stop holding yourself back.

    I submitted my writing for what was considered the application process.

    The Culture Is You, Black Girl!

    See what happens when you… leap? Faith can bring many things your way when you just believe. Now, your girl will write weekly blog articles for Blk Girl Culture, from January 2020 to March 2020. I will be starting and continuing conversations in Health/Beauty for an audience of 100,000+ readers. Blk Girl Culture also has posts featured in magazines and new sources like Complex, Teen Vogue, CNN, BBC, and Blavity among others.

    I am so excited about this opportunity! My life is changing and pulling me in the direction of my passion. I was only looking for the light to spark a bit, and with opportunities like this, the passion came right back. I hope you get to catch some of my posts!

    Get to know me:

    Leave me a comment and tell me which posts are your favorite!

  • 7 Lessons Learned in Life

    7 Lessons Learned in Life

    There are so many lessons that have been taught to me over the course of my thirty-one years of existence on planet Earth. It’s hard to even recall all of the lessons that many people have taught me, or the self-taught ones that I’ve learned over the process of trial and error. What I’ve come to find out, is that the most recent lessons that I’ve learned are the ones that have shaped and molded my self-improvement journey. I decided to share them with readers, in no particular order. To clarify, these are seven valuable lessons learned in life (mine).

    List of Lessons Learned in Life

    1. love
    2. trust
    3. self-care
    4. speak up
    5. passion
    6. education
    7. validation
    lessons learned in life (virtually)
    Photo by Katerina Holmes on

    Life Lessons #1: LOVE YOURSELF

    Although I said earlier that my list is in no particular order, perhaps this is the best way to start; with yourself. You are important, you are beautiful, you are talented, you are deserving of love. The most beautiful thing about loving yourself is that if you’ve mastered self love, you can then be able to pour that love into the ones around you that you love the most (ie. family, friends). Be proud of yourself and your accomplishments or your falls! Own it.

    Life Lessons #2: TRUST GOD, NOT MAN

    This one may go over a few heads, but it’s really quite simple. Yes, if you know that you will never let yourself down, please place trust within yourself. However, people can sometimes disappoint. That goes for everybody, no one person is exempt. Family, friends, spouses, business partners. At some point, you will find yourself in situations where you have to question “can I honestly trust this person?”, and you need to be prepared to know a few things. Not everyone is YOU. People will lie, mistreat, abuse their power in your life. When you place your faith in God and also yourself, you run a decreased risk of disappointment.

    Life Lessons #3: TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF

    Your body is truly your temple. Your mental health is just as important as physical health. Do your research to find out the best practices for self-care, that work best for you. Everybody has a different vice but there are many different options. Exercise regularly, visit a therapist, meditate! Most important, pay attention to your triggers and know when you need to take that moment for yourself. A big gem that I learned here, is that deep breaths really do work.


    You have a voice, use it. Especially during conflicts and conflict resolution. Learn to express yourself and your feelings in color. Learn how to communicate loudly and effectively, but without raising your voice or getting too angry. You should be able to convey your thoughts concisely, in healthy dialogue.


    You just care a whole, whole lot. That’s okay! You’re not an angry Black woman, contrary to what the masses say. You care about particular things and people way more than others sometimes, and that is what makes us all unique. No one person is the same. Passion will eventually help your creative process, with being able to figure out new way(s) to express your thoughts.

    Life Lessons #6: OPINIONS ARE NOT FACTS

    Why do people care so much about what others have to say? Stop seeking for others to validate you, and validate yourself. People will always talk and have solicited and unsolicited opinions, but why let it dictate your life? Tune out the naysayers and do you. It can start to add unnecessary anxiety and stress that you may not even realize exists until after you’ve listened to what others have to say. Just remember, if it’s not fact, it is fiction. If it doesn’t apply, then let it fly!

    Life Lessons #7: EDUCATE YOURSELF

    The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.– Socrates

    Educate yourself. Research, research, research! Read lots of books, browse the internet. Especially if you want to be an entrepreneur. Every thing is not always taught in school, we can learn in so many other ways!

    See Related: 3 Powerful Books Recommended for Self-Help

    I hope that by sharing what I’ve learned in life, helps any of you that’s been looking to change your thought process on how you view life. Hopefully we are all on a journey to improve ourselves and become happy humans, enjoying life. Who would have thought that these are things we have to learn? Some of you may have already learned these lessons, and that’s great. I hope that by paying it forward, it will reach someone that may be struggling with any of these lessons that affect our day-to-day operations.

    See Related: How To Reduce Stress and Self-Care Everyday

    What are some life lessons that you’ve learned? Leave a comment below. If you know of anyone who this may benefit, share/ reblog!

  • 30- Day Self Improvement Challenge

    30- Day Self Improvement Challenge

    Rediscovery and self-purpose are two things that I have been working with myself on throughout the year. The younger person inside of me would have probably thought that this is something I should already be perfect in. Especially in my 30s! Additionally, I’m starting to believe that it can take even longer to truly understand and live in your purpose. Therefore, I convinced myself to complete a 30-day self improvement challenge.

    Sometimes it seems that I might have figured out where I want to be. Then, I get hit with a possibility that I did not even know could exist. I am certain of a couple of things:

    I am not perfect and I am still blossoming into my destiny.

    Make Room for the Self Improvement Challenge

    When you aren’t a novice to things that you’ve once experienced before, you begin to search for a challenge. Challenging yourself can be a great way to test your progress and see growth. Additionally, challenges help you practice patience and learn new habits to take the place of old habits. I was once told by Oprah and several other popular online articles that it takes twenty-one days (minimum) to break/ create a habit.

    I found this neat challenge on Pinterest that is designed to help change my lifestyle. As I am starting this challenge, I am manifesting that by the end of it, I will have a clear concept of where I would like to take my career. 2019 challenged my career goals really hard as I worked tirelessly for my employers and tried to be my own boss simultaneously. I no longer want to do both and I want clear and concise ideas for how to accomplish my goal!

    I have attached the 30- Day Self Improvement Challenge below and hope that you all decide to join me. Let’s get the conversation going and leave me a comment if you will be joining and if you face any challenges during your 30 days. Of course, I look forward to the end result for all of us!

    30 day self-improvement challenge

    I am forever grateful for the self-courage and wisdom that I was able to discover while quieting my mind and rediscovering my purpose. Now, I am one step closer to reaching the end goal, even though I know there are many steps between the start and finish line. I am just proud of myself for even starting.

    Use #30DaySelfImprovement on other social media outlets such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter so I can catch all posts.

    Check out more self-improvement and self-care posts:

  • Introducing ITS THE LEWK: Lifestyle Blog

    Introducing ITS THE LEWK: Lifestyle Blog

    Hello online family and friends! If you are reading this post, then you’ve found your way over to my lifestyle blog. Over the years, I have been open with my life and shared some of my young adult experiences. I took a break to focus on navigating through my journey to find my purpose in life. Now, the journey has led me back to where I once began. Where my heart has always belonged. I’ve been missing sharing things online with all of you. In conclusion, welcome to The Lewk!

    It’s never too late to become who you should be.

    grateful lewk
    Photo by Dmitry Zvolskiy on

    Coming Soon on The Lewk

    • product reviews
    • advice
    • tips and suggestions
    • entertainment
    • fashion
    • books
    • music
    • food
    • life
    • travel

    I’ve always been able to tell a story or paint a picture with words. I truly miss creative writing! I’m eager to get back into writing and I am dedicated to creating quality content that the readers will enjoy. My plan for The Lewk is to make this website a reliable source for lifestyle content. Content posted on this website will be content shared with experience and interest in every detail. The topics discussed on The Lewk will be current and relevant to everyday life situations.

    Anybody that wants to know my views and opinions (music, food, fashion, life) can get it all here on The Lewk.

    Enter your email address below to subscribe to The Lewk! Subscribers receive alerts and notifications every time new content is posted to the website. Get The Lewk news delivered directly to your inbox.